The Feast of St. Andrew the Apostle, on November 30, offers us a profound starting point for Advent. St. Andrew, one of the first-called disciples of Jesus and the brother of St. Peter, was known for his eagerness to bring others to Christ. His life invites us into Advent with a spirit of attentiveness, welcoming Christ’s light with open hearts, and embracing the call to share that light with the world.
St. Andrew and the Advent Call
St. Andrew’s enthusiastic response to Jesus’s call is a powerful reminder to prepare our hearts for Advent, embodying the same readiness to embrace Christ fully. The “St. Andrew Christmas Novena,” beginning on his feast day, is a cherished tradition that leads us to Christmas with focused anticipation. Reciting this prayer 15 times daily from November 30 to December 24 allows us to open our hearts fully to Christ.
Image source: drawing by Fabrizio Santafede – Wikimedia Commons
St. Andrew Christmas Novena
(This prayer is traditionally recited 15 times daily from November 30 until Christmas Eve):
"Hail and blessed be the hour and moment in which the Son of God was born of the most pure Virgin Mary, at midnight, in Bethlehem, in piercing cold. In that hour, vouchsafe, O my God! to hear my prayer and grant my desires, through the merits of Our Savior Jesus Christ, and of His blessed Mother. Amen."
St. Andrew’s Legacy in Evangelization, Including Central Asia
St. Andrew’s missionary spirit has inspired countless evangelists and missionaries worldwide, including those bringing the faith to Asia. Early traditions suggest he journeyed eastward, reaching as far as Central Asia, where his story resonates today among communities reawakening to Christian faith. His legacy is deeply felt in places such as South Korea, India, the Philippines, and even parts of Central Asia, where the seeds of Christianity have taken root despite great challenges. His influence reminds us that Christ’s message knows no borders, and his life continues to inspire believers to bring the Good News to all corners of the earth.
Support the Apostolic Administration
In the spirit of St. Andrew’s dedication to spreading the Gospel, consider supporting the Apostolic Administration in Central Asia. Your contribution aids our mission, supporting areas of need in our community, and helps us share Christ’s message where it is most needed. By giving, you join in St. Andrew’s spirit of evangelization, empowering the Church to carry his mission forward today…
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