Your donation contributes to the invigoration of the Catholic faith in Central Asia.
*Tax-deductible donations can be made via
American Jesuits International, the international solidarity organization of the Jesuits in the United States.
the Apostolic Administration
in Kyrgyzstan
*Tax-deductible donations can be made via American Jesuits International, the official international solidarity office of the Jesuits in the United States.
Yearly Pastoral Expenses
The small Catholic communities are spread throughout the country. Serving these people entails a committed pastoral approach and no small effort on the part of missionaries. In the past year and a half, we have been able with the help of generous benefactors to acquire modest spaces where Mass can be celebrated and parish life established. In addition to costs associated with supplies and upkeep, traveling great distances to gather our faithful is a part of life here. You can help support the work of priests and sisters serving these communities by contributing to make this feasible.

Yearly Operational Expenses
We work hard to ensure that the activities of the Church continue functioning. Obviously, these activities and the structure necessary to support them require a financial investment. As our missionaries do not earn salaries and our parishes are unable to generate the income necessary to subsidize the structures and works of the Church, we are in need of support from benefactors such as yourselves from other places. Administration—as simple as it is here—naturally entails expenses. These operational expenses include costs that are common to all institutions, i.e., salaries of our lay colleagues, costs of maintaining our small buildings, expenses incurred for juridical and for visas, etc.

Humanitarian Works
As in all places where the Church is present, our Christian Faith is witnessed to partly through assistance to people in need. We assist families who are struggling and offer help to a wide variety of people. During the recent COVID pandemic, we were able to join with people of other religions to provide needed assistance to field hospitals and in providing support for some families whose situation became even more precarious. We regularly help children with special needs and those without parents. In addition, our priests and parishioners visit the elderly, prisons, and others. We offer safe accommodation to single mothers in crises and provide a small dormitory space for young Catholic women who are university students. Your assistance can help to strengthen these and other important works of charity.